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Pendennis Golf Tournament at Falmouth Golf Club

Throughout the year we organise various social events for our staff and visiting yacht crew. They are a great way for crew to get to know their Pendennis project teams and for our multiple trade teams to do some inter-department team building.

Previous socials have included cricket and football tournaments, pub quizzes, bowling and cinema evenings and more. Our most recent event was a golf tournament at the beautiful Falmouth Golf Club, our local course at which many of the holes have stunning sea views.

The tournament was played in teams of four with a Texas Scramble format. For an extra social aspect, the teams were split into two for the duration of play and each couple journeyed the course with a pair from a different team.

The day culminated with a BBQ catered by Falmouth Golf Club and a prize presentation for the teams in 1st, 2nd and 3rd
place, as well as for the nearest the pin and longest drive competitions. We were grateful to the club’s resident PGA golf professional Nick Rogers, who helped us out with scoring. It came down to the wire, with only one point between the winning team and second place!

It was a great day and a pleasure to see all the teams enjoying themselves out on the course, with some friendly banter and a fair few impressive shots.

We’re already looking forward to the next team social event. If you’re a crew member coming to Pendennis for refit, why not contact the Pendennis Marketing team when you arrive and let us know your crew’s favourite sports and activities. Or if you’re a staff member with an idea, let us know - we’re always open to suggestions from staff and crew for future events.

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